A planned charitable gift to the Nehemiah Center is an investment in our families and a gift to future generations. There are several ways to leave a legacy including: 

  • leaving a bequest in your will
  • distribution from a living trust
  • naming Nehemiah as a beneficiary to a life insurance policy, retirement account, annuity, trust, or Donor Advised Fund

Designating a beneficiary is not an all-or-nothing proposition. You may name several, then choose the percentage of your assets that you would like each of them to receive. Even 1% given to the Nehemiah Center can have a monumental impact. A change-of-beneficiary form is simple and can often be found online.

Please fill out the below planned giving Legacy Circle Intention Letter and return it to Development Director, Christina Luna. Details about your gift are kept confidential and you may remain anonymous if desired.

Legacy Circle Giving Intention Letter